Length of Quarters & Pay Grid
Age Group | Length of Quarters | 2023 Spring Season |
Passers | 10 min | 20 |
Wings | 12 min | 30 |
Strikers | 15 min | 35 |
Kickers | 15 min | 40 |
Minors | 20 min | 50 |
Seniors | 20 min | 50 |
Switching sides
Passers - Switch sides at the half
Wings/Strikers/Kickers/Seniors/Minors - Switch sides every quarter
Referee Frequently Asked Questions
1. How old do you have to be to start refereeing for SAY in Loveland?
13 or turn 13 during the season
2. What do you have to do to become a SAY ref in Loveland?
Take the SAY ref classes – offered at the start of each season. Fall is in mid to late August & Spring is in mid to late March. The class is free.
3. How will I know when & where the classes are held?
Fall Referee Class is scheduled for August 19
9:00 – 2:00 pm
Sanctuary Church on S. Lebanon Rd
Contact Derek Caney
LYSA Referee Coordinator
4. When are SAY games played?
On Saturday’s and sometimes during the week
5. Can I still ref if I also play soccer that same season?
Yes, we work around your schedule
6. Can I ref with my friends?
Yes, after you are trained by an experienced ref
7. Do you need any adult refs?
Yes, we are always looking for adult referees
8. What divisions would I be able to ref?
You have to be 2 years older than the division you ref
9. Is there a second class & test to ref the older age groups?
Yes. The first class is to ref Instructional & Passers. There is another class (not offered every season) to cover the additional rules for the Wings & older brackets.
10. Do I have to take both classes if I only want to ref the older kids?
No. The same material is covered in the older age bracket class. There are just additional rules covered.
11. If I took the Select ref class can I ref SAY?
You would still have to take the SAY ref class
12. What do I have to buy to be a ref?
You have to buy a referee shirt, any solid black shorts or pants, referee socks, whistle, and stop watch.
13. How much do the games pay per ref?
See table above
14. How long are the quarters for the different divisions? Instructional - 8 minutes; Passers - 10 minutes; Wings – 12; minutes Strikers & Kickers – 15 minutes; Minors & Seniors - 20 minutes
15. Is there a test I have to pass to be a ref?
Yes, you have to get at least a 70 % on the SAY ref test
16. Can I ref younger divisions even if I’m old enough to ref older divisions?
Yes, whatever division you feel comfortable refereeing
17. Do I have to provide my own transportation to and from the games?
18. How many games would I be able to ref on a Saturday?
I try and scheduled everyone for two games, and if I have more games to fill you are welcome to ref them
19. How many ref classes are given before the season starts?
There is one ref class in Loveland, but other SAY districts also give classes.
20. Would I have had to play soccer in order to be a ref?
No, but that would help to understand the game better
Questions or Concerns?
Contact Derek Caney
LYSA Referee Coordinator
Referee Feedback Form