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Loveland Youth Soccer Association


Tiger Paws

The Tiger Paws introduces 3 and 4 year olds to the game of soccer in a fun and safe environment. This program has been thoughtfully designed for preschool-aged kids so that they can work on a variety of different skill-sets that will ultimately make them well-rounded, confidant and socialized young people.

Players born in 2020 and 2021 will be placed in the Tiger Paws soccer program.







April 6, 2024


9:00 – 9:45 AM

May 18, 2024


April 6, 2024


10:00 – 10:50 AM

May 18,  2024


Miami Riverview Park


Teams will be released / announced about 2 weeks prior to the first session


Coaches are all volunteer parent coaches that will be certified through our risk management process. These coaches will participate in a coach’s clinic and are provided predesigned training sessions each week of the season. All coaches are supported and educated throughout the season. 


A field map will be provided the week prior to the start of the season Field numbers will correlate with team numbers. (Team #3 = Field #3) All fields will be marked.


A uniform will be provided to each child on the first day of practice. Please make sure you provide your own socks this season.


Loose fitted athletic shorts
Shin guards (if size appropriate) with long socks covering them
Cleats or running shoes
Hair tied up and out of face
(long pants, jackets, warm gear when needed - pending weather)


Size 3 soccer ball with name on it

Water bottle with name on it


Arrive early on Day 1 so that you are able to find the correct field, meet the coaches, get child in uniform and use the bathroom, etc.


We encourage all parents to participate with an easy-going, helpful, and FUN attitude. Yelling, screaming, and demanding is frowned upon. 

Expect for your child to need a little warming-up to this new environment, coaches, and other players.

Please don’t get worried or frustrated if your child wants you near them the whole time, or won’t step on the field, or hates wearing shin guards, or only likes to pick flowers, or needs to go to the bathroom 3 times, or tells you snack time is their favorite part of soccer – you will not be alone!! We are working with very young children and we know between the ages of 2-4 anything could happen on the day. We totally expect it and you should not worry about it. It is very normal. 


90% of the communication for this program will come directly from the PAWS program Director. You will receive a weekly email from that will include any important information for that week


If there is a cancellation of practice due to weather, an email and text message will be sent using TeamSnap. 

We are overly cautious with this young group and the weather – FYI

There are no make-up dates during this season.


Each week we will end our training session with a snack / drink

Snacks should be a healthy choice (granola bars, fresh fruit, crackers, etc.)

Drinks could include low sugar juices, flavored waters, low-fat chocolate milk, etc. 

Parents that have a child that has allergies are encouraged to bring your own snack


Kyke McClaughlin at [email protected]


Additional information:

Tiger Paws is offered in both the fall and spring seasons for 6-weeks. Each playing week will consist of one 45 to 60-minute training session led by a volunteer coaching staff. Each volunteer coach will have a curriculum provided to them and will be offered coaching course at the beginning of the season to help make them a well-educated coach.

The curriculum will be broken down into the following categories:

  • Social Skill
  • Cognitive Development
  • Motor-Skill Development 
  • Soccer Skill - Basics
  • Play 


 Each week players will be introduced to new skill-sets and practice those they learned during prior training sessions. After 6-weeks, the preschool-aged player will be proficient in certain motor-skills that have been taught and have new soccer skill-sets they can continue to work on. The most vital part of the program is that the kids, parents and coaches have a fun soccer experience that will encourage them to continue playing and participating in future years.

If you have questions, contact Kyle McLaughlin, LYSA Executive Director at [email protected]

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