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Loveland Youth Soccer Association


Severe Weather Policy

If practice is interrupted by a thunder storm or a heavy downpour, the practice will be cancelled at that point.  Teams will not attempt to wait out the storm and resume practice.

Safety is the First Priority

Lightning Detection System

  • Installed at Riverview, Betty Ray and Phillips Parks ^
  • If lightning is detected nearby -- 1 long, loud blast
  • Clear field immediately & go to safe location (not under a tree or standing in the parking lot)
  • The system will sound only once - does not keep going off
  • All Clear (30 minutes) - the system will sound 3 long, loud blasts similar to the first one.  At that time, player are allowed back onto the field

^ These systems do not actually detect lightning; they measure atmospheric conditions and predict when it will occur.  So, it's possible that the siren will sound and you will not hear thunder or see lightning.  And, it's possible the system will not go off when you have heard thunder.  They are checked regularly and are maintained in working order.

If at Betty Ray, Riverview or Phillips and lightning is seen or thunder heard and the detection system does not go off; please leave the field. 

If there is not detection system at your park

  • Leave the field immediately at the first sight of lightning or sound of thunder 
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